Sunday, September 11, 2011

i know it's a cliché but what the heck?! it's what love♥ can do.. *sighs

Despite all the ups and downs of being in love, we still can't resist it. It comes in the most unexpected, heart-melting situations wherein you just find yourself smiling even with just the thought of reminiscing them. The four-letter word... it can make you feel and do two different emotions and things at the same time respectively. It causes you to accept something that's disgusting about that person you love. It causes you to justify bad deeds for the sake of your loved ones. It causes you to cry when you're supposed to be strong like a bull. You become selfless, forgiving, caring, and understanding. It makes you endure all the pain. It makes you want to live regardless of all the bullshits there are in life. It makes you want to fight even though there's nothing to fight for anymore. You still wanna keep on trying because at the back of your mind, even if you know it's already impossible, you still believe that everything will be okay. It doesn't matter how long you'd fight for it. You can stand it anyway. When you feel like giving up, love's there to keep you moving forward, to keep you hanging on. The first minute you're skeptical, then for the rest of your life, you suddenly become very considerate whether it's reasonable or not. You suddenly believe in anything and everything that's keeping you in love. 

The person we become once we're in love, it's just unbelievable. That four-letter word.. it just changes you without you noticing it. Be it for the better or otherwise, it doesn't matter for you. You know that not all love can be forever. But still, you go for it even if you know that it's gonna end anyway someday. As long as you're feeling it, you're assured that you're alive, that you're a human being. And human beings as we are, we keep seeking for it once we felt it. And we don't stop until we find our one true love. The only love that we've been trying to reach at the other end of the line. For love, and because of love, we keep fighting, we keep enduring, we keep believing, we keep moving, we keep living. ♥

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13
 **originally from my Facebook account posted April 25, 2010. for the man i love :)) 


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