Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Game called LOVE [thoughts about letting go part 2... and moving on =)]

Sometimes in our relentless efforts to find the person we love, we fail to recognize and appreciate the people who love us. We miss out on so many beautiful things simply because we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our own selfish concerns. Go for the man of deeds not for the man of words, for you will find rewarding happiness not with the man you love but with the man who loves you more. The best lovers are capable of loving each other from a distance---far enough to allow each other to grow, but never too far to make you feel that you have to let go of each other. This doesn't mean you have to stop loving. It only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness. Letting go is not just setting the person free, but it is also setting yourself free from all the fear that are kept in your heart.

Do not let the bitterness rare away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow the pain to dishearten you. Rather, it should make you stronger. We can all survive with just all of the beautiful memories of the past but real peace and happiness comes only with an open acceptance of what reality is nowadays.

There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice and we just find ourselves attracted to that person. This feeling soon becomes a part of our everyday lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions. The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that the feelings he might have for you is just too far from how you loved him.

We start our effort to get noticed and be closer to that person but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded and we end up being sorry for ourselves. You don't have to be bitter for love. What you need is to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter and sorry for yourself. Believe me... you would be better off giving that dedication and love to someone more deserving.

However, if a person really loved you once, even after a hundred years, there will still be some of the love left no matter how much that person denies it.

Don't let your heart run your life. Be sensible and let your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reasons as well. Always remember that if you lose someone, a better one is coming tomorrow, and if you lose love, that doesn't mean that you failed in love. Cry if you have to, but make sure that the tears will wash away the hurt and the bitterness that the past has left you.

Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you. And when it does, pray that it may be the love that will stay and last a lifetime. When you lose someone and you think you were the one who loved most between the two of you, he lost more. For someday you can love someone that way that you loved him but HE WILL NEVER BE LOVED AGAIN THE WAY THAT YOU DID. =)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Living a Life in the City

Being independent from other people brings so much fulfillment to me. I live in a city away from my parents, away from family, away from people whom I can depend on. I pay my own rent and internet bills, buy my own meals, explore on my own. Well of course, sometimes I ask for an extra cash from d-a-d-d-y (*chuckles) when i have nothing left.

My father told me to save from my salary, God knows how much I tried to do that. But then I think I just got so used to being provided with money weekly for my allowance when I was a student. I never saved anything at all. Now I'm almost broke, but still surviving.

Then I watched Ugly Betty again. It really opens up my mind. It gives me so much lesson that now, I've been thinking about the money I spent on things that were not really important. Like splurging on clothes and shoes whenever I get my paycheck. I usually buy at the ukay but I really SPLURGE. I spend too much than I can afford. And then I think of how many of those clothes didn't really look good on me when it's time to use them already. How many of them just end up being on my closet for a very long time then to anyone else who looks better with those clothes on them. How many of those shoes just end up being so dusty in my shoe cabinet until they finally wear off even if I only used each of them once.

I become so generous whenever I have a lot of money in my pocket. I treat friends to dinner or bars just so I could prove to them that, "Hey! I'm so young yet I have a lot of my OWN money to spend!" when in fact, the next day, I would end up eating noodles because I would need to be careful with spending for the next couple of days or so.

I have been receiving paychecks for more than a year now but my bank account says 131.72.

Sometimes we enjoy being independent so much that we don't care anymore. We don't care how we utilize (if we really do so) our independence, we don't care what we do because WE ARE ALREADY INDEPENDENT. But being independent doesn't just mean freedom to do whatever we want to do. It's more like discovering and learning more.

Independence teaches us how to handle our lives so that we become ready when we have to live alone without our parents to run to when we run out of cash or when we have huge problems. It should make us more responsible when making decisions, from deciding which things are really important to spend money on, to realizing that it's not really easy to live by yourself.

Experience is a really good teacher. Most people don't understand things until they are in that situation. My experiences while living in the city independently taught me a whole lot of new things. Starting with saving money, then doing my own laundry, cooking meals for myself, budgeting my money so that I could pay the bills.

It's never been easy to be on your own most specially if you grew up with pampering from your parents. But in one way or another, you need to take more responsibility so that it would be less of a shock for you when the time comes that you have to stand on your own.


Monday, July 20, 2009

A Lesson From Betty Suarez

Sometimes, when we want something really bad, we forget that there are other people involved. We just get stuck in our own little world and it doesn't matter what other people feel... except that it DOES matter.

I just finished watching Ugly Betty season 3, episode 4 and I'm waiting for episode 5 to load properly so I decided to share what I just learned from Betty Suarez.

She's right. That statement from her above is so true. We always want something. That's human nature. It's not bad. It only makes us strive even harder to get that something. It makes us stronger, it makes us more determined. We learn to fight, we learn to wait, to hope. All these good things it can bring to us.

But bad things it can bring to other people? Along the way of working so hard just to get that thing that we desire the most, some people are hurt. Maybe we know that, but we just tend to, intentionally or not, not care.

Like when loving someone so much. When you lose someone you really love, you do everything just to make him/her come back. You do all the crazy and evil stuff you didn't even think you could actually do. You just do EVERYTHING. Unknowingly (or knowingly), there are people that are hurt with your desire to be happy. Of course it's not bad to fight for your happiness. But how about fairness?

I've been so much hurt because some people are happy with what and who they have. And I have hurt people because I also wanted to be happy, to stop the hurting. I was really selfish. I'm sure we all are at some point. But at the end of the day, it's always best to do what's right. It will surely hurt you for a while. But after sometime, you'll realize that it's such a relief to let go of everything that's been hurting you and other people. Maybe it wasn't just really for you. Maybe it was not just your REAL happiness. You just thought that it was.

Somewhere along your way, you'll find what really makes you happy. And if this really makes you happy, you'll enjoy every single pain that it will bring you.Remember life's not all about laughter. It's a package--pain and sorrow come with it.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

thoughts about letting go of someone

Isn't it sad that in our lives, we're sometimes forced to say goodbye to the person we love and care about the most for there are reasons we're powerless to explain? Because no matter how we try to save the good old times and salvage the little feelings we have left, all ends just refuse to meet. And the only right thing to do is to break away and let go, to show your beloved just how much pain you are willing to take just to make him/her so damn happy.

If you know in your heart that you can never be someone's happiness, all you have to do is to pretend that you're okay until you understand God's point that you are destined to be the happiness of someone else who's BETTER. Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long. Of course, it's not wrong to miss the person you had before, it's just a proof that you're a good person in a way that you still care for him/her even if THEY LEFT YOU HANGING.

Oprah once said, "Leaving a love you've suddenly outgrown can be heartbreaking, but it also shows you're strong enough to walk away from a relationship that no longer makes you happy. Movin' out of your comfort zone can be downright scary but it also proves just how brave you are to take on the unknown. Stronger, braver, wiser. You always do a little GROWING UP everytime you do a little LETTING GO."


Saturday, July 11, 2009

ARTICLE 3, SECTION 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

Time to refresh your consti knowledge (if you EVER have it). ;) Read carefully, don’t hurt yourself too much understanding this, a’ight? =D Let me know if you need help, I would gladly lend a hand.

"No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances."

Therefore, if no law is allowed to abridge, or to make it easier for you, CURTAIL… oh sorry, that’s even more painful for your brain, how about REDUCE? or SHORTEN, or PROHIBIT… use the dictionary if you still can’t understand. =P Anyway, as I was saying, there’s no way to prohibit someone from having the freedom to express his or herself. Blog is a medium where people could express themselves. There is no law against that now, is there? And you are not higher than any law to stop people from posting whatever they want to on their blogs, are you? Post on your blogs, I don’t really mind. I’ll post on my blogs, you mind, and guess what… I DON’T CARE. As I’ve said, LOVE IT, HATE IT. JUST BE SURE YOU REALLY USED YOUR BRAIN CELLS TO UNDERSTAND IT. ;)


Thursday, July 2, 2009

'The Art of Letting Go'

If it takes great courage to stand and fight for something, sometimes, it takes even greater courage to just walk away and leave things behind… and it’s never been easy.

Sometimes, we just have to let go of someone who matters to us not because we have to but because it’s the right thing to do. Let us remember that we can‘t force anyone to love us. We can’t beg someone to stay when he wants to leave and be with someone else. This is what love is all about. However, the end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason, and with a lesson.

"It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and now you can barely even look at them."

Saddest part of letting someone on his own way...hurts more, when he goes his way with somebody else and not with you. still you continue to love and hope, even if it means walking behind them, waiting for that somebody else to make a turn so you can be there, again, walking with him, this time...hopefully...until the end.
